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Single Origin vs. Blend Coffee: Key Differences

Single Origin vs. Blend Coffee: Key Differences

The world of coffee can be an intimidating one, and with so many varieties, coffee blends and flavours available, it can be challenging to find a coffee that suits your preferences.

A very popular question we get asked is, “is single origin coffee better, or are blended coffee beans better?” The two main subcategories of specialty coffee – are single origin coffee and coffee blends.

So what is the difference between them? Read on to find out! 

What is a Coffee Blend? 

A coffee blend combines beans from various countries around the world to produce a distinctive flavour, acidity, and body. Roasters experiment with different bean combinations to create a pleasant flavour and aroma and a satisfying, well-rounded cup of coffee.

You might be surprised to learn that the majority of coffee drinkers opt for coffee blends since most coffee shops and grocery stores sell them. 

Blended coffee beans are mixed and made in larger batches, making their flavours more consistent. For many, they produce a balance that single origin coffees are unable to match.

What is Single Origin Coffee? 

Single origin coffee beans are only produced in a single country or region, and they give customers a unique taste of that location. 

Compared to the balanced and mellowed blends, their aroma, acidity, and flavours are frequently more prominent. Many coffee drinkers adore the distinctive and preserved flavour profiles of Single Origin coffee.

The drawback of single origin beans is that they tend to have inconsistent flavours over time due to climatic changes that affect taste. Something else to consider when looking for coffee beans are the chemical pestisides and fertilizer used to grow the beans. We offer a Fairtrade Organic Bean that may be the right fit for you

Single Origin vs Blend Characteristics

Here are two characteristics that set single origin coffee apart from blended coffee beans. 


Single origin coffee has the purest and most authentic flavour profile, whereas a coffee blend contains flavours from different beans. Single origin typically have floral or citrus notes that are brighter, whereas coffee blends tend to have caramel and chocolate flavours. 

Blended coffee beans have a more well-rounded and homogeneous flavour because it is less prone to seasonal changes. On the other hand, each batch of single origin coffee will have a slight difference in taste. 


Blended coffee beans are nearly impossible to trace, whereas single origin coffee beans can be traced back to a specific country or producer. This important information can help consumers understand their coffee better and give them a greater appreciation of who grew their coffee.

Which is Right For You: Single Origin or Blend?

The question of whether single origin coffee or coffee blends are better entirely depends on your personal preferences and what you hope to get out of your coffee experience. 

Single origin beans might be a good option for you if you're interested in trying exotic and unique flavours from around the world.

However, if you are new to coffee, blended coffee beans might be the best option for you because they provide a smooth, well-balanced cup of coffee.

Are you looking for the best coffee beans on the market to enhance your coffee experience? Check out our range of coffee beans that includes both single origin coffee and coffee blends! 

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