Arkadia Caramel Coffee Syrup 750ml
Caramel Syrup Profile
Delicate, classical and indulgent, this caramel coffee syrup has all the essence of classical caramel making it perfect for any milkshake, coffee, tea or cocktail you may be concocting. Made locally by the wonderful team at Arkadia, this caramel coffee syrup is one of the most versatile on the market. Use it in your beverages, but add it to your cakes too. Take that caramel slice to new heights. In terms of flavour, expect nothing less than creamy, classical caramel with added sweetness, that will break through all drinks hot or cold.
Delivery time
We have a standard 24 hour fulfilment option Monday to Friday 8am-5pm.
If you would like your order in a quicker fashion, please notify us in your order notes or email head office.